Pri­va­cy Poli­cy

Per­so­nal data (usual­ly refer­red to just as „data“ below) will only be pro­ces­sed by us to the extent necessa­ry and for the pur­po­se of pro­vi­ding a func­tio­nal and user-fri­end­ly web­site, inclu­ding its con­tents, and the ser­vices offe­red the­re.

Per Art. 4 No. 1 of Regu­la­ti­on (EU) 2016/679, i.e. the Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on (her­einaf­ter refer­red to as the „GDPR“), „pro­ces­sing“ refers to any ope­ra­ti­on or set of ope­ra­ti­ons such as collec­tion, record­ing, orga­ni­za­ti­on, struc­tu­ring, sto­ra­ge, adap­tati­on, alte­ra­ti­on, retrie­val, con­sul­ta­ti­on, use, dis­clo­sure by trans­mis­si­on, dis­se­mi­na­ti­on, or other­wi­se making avail­ab­le, align­ment, or com­bi­na­ti­on, restric­tion, era­su­re, or dest­ruc­tion per­for­med on per­so­nal data, whe­ther by auto­ma­ted means or not.

The fol­lo­wing pri­va­cy poli­cy is inten­ded to inform you in par­ti­cu­lar about the type, scope, pur­po­se, dura­ti­on, and legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of such data eit­her under our own con­trol or in con­junc­tion with others. We also inform you below about the third-par­ty com­pon­ents we use to opti­mi­ze our web­site and impro­ve the user expe­ri­ence which may result in said third par­ties also pro­ces­sing data they collect and con­trol.

Our pri­va­cy poli­cy is struc­tu­red as fol­lows:

I. Infor­ma­ti­on about us as con­trol­lers of your data
II. The rights of users and data sub­jects
III. Infor­ma­ti­on about the data pro­ces­sing

I. Infor­ma­ti­on about us as con­trol­lers of your data

The par­ty respon­si­ble for this web­site (the „con­trol­ler“) for pur­po­ses of data pro­tec­tion law is:

Ralf Mai­er
Fran­zis­ka­ner­stra­ße 23
41063 Mön­chen­glad­bach

Tele­pho­ne: +49 (0)171 5 444 222
Fax: Fax num­ber

The controller’s data pro­tec­tion offi­cer is:

Ralf Mai­er

II. The rights of users and data sub­jects

With regard to the data pro­ces­sing to be descri­bed in more detail below, users and data sub­jects have the right

  • to con­fir­ma­ti­on of whe­ther data con­cer­ning them is being pro­ces­sed, infor­ma­ti­on about the data being pro­ces­sed, fur­t­her infor­ma­ti­on about the natu­re of the data pro­ces­sing, and copies of the data (cf. also Art. 15 GDPR);
  • to cor­rect or com­ple­te incor­rect or incom­ple­te data (cf. also Art. 16 GDPR);
  • to the imme­dia­te dele­ti­on of data con­cer­ning them (cf. also Art. 17 DSGVO), or, alter­na­tively, if fur­t­her pro­ces­sing is necessa­ry as sti­pu­la­ted in Art. 17 Para. 3 GDPR, to restrict said pro­ces­sing per Art. 18 GDPR;
  • to recei­ve copies of the data con­cer­ning them and/or pro­vi­ded by them and to have the same trans­mit­ted to other providers/controllers (cf. also Art. 20 GDPR);
  • to file com­p­laints with the super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty if they belie­ve that data con­cer­ning them is being pro­ces­sed by the con­trol­ler in bre­ach of data pro­tec­tion pro­vi­si­ons (see also Art. 77 GDPR).

In addi­ti­on, the con­trol­ler is obli­ged to inform all reci­pi­ents to whom it dis­c­lo­ses data of any such cor­rec­tions, dele­ti­ons, or restric­tions pla­ced on pro­ces­sing the same per Art. 16, 17 Para. 1, 18 GDPR. Howe­ver, this obli­ga­ti­on does not app­ly if such noti­fi­ca­ti­on is impos­si­ble or invol­ves a dis­pro­por­tio­na­te effort. Never­theless, users have a right to infor­ma­ti­on about the­se reci­pi­ents.

Like­wi­se, under Art. 21 GDPR, users and data sub­jects have the right to object to the controller’s future pro­ces­sing of their data pur­suant to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. In par­ti­cu­lar, an objec­tion to data pro­ces­sing for the pur­po­se of direct adver­ti­sing is per­mis­si­ble.

III. Infor­ma­ti­on about the data pro­ces­sing

Your data pro­ces­sed when using our web­site will be dele­ted or blo­cked as soon as the pur­po­se for its sto­ra­ge cea­ses to app­ly, pro­vi­ded the dele­ti­on of the same is not in bre­ach of any sta­tu­to­ry sto­ra­ge obli­ga­ti­ons or unless other­wi­se sti­pu­la­ted below.


  1. a) Ses­si­on coo­kies

We use coo­kies on our web­site. Coo­kies are small text files or other sto­ra­ge tech­no­lo­gies stored on your com­pu­ter by your brow­ser. The­se coo­kies pro­cess cer­tain spe­ci­fic infor­ma­ti­on about you, such as your brow­ser, loca­ti­on data, or IP address.

This pro­ces­sing makes our web­site more user-fri­end­ly, effi­ci­ent, and secu­re, allo­wing us, for examp­le, to dis­play our web­site in dif­fe­rent lan­guages or to offer a shop­ping cart func­tion.

The legal basis for such pro­ces­sing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) GDPR, inso­far as the­se coo­kies are used to collect data to initia­te or pro­cess con­trac­tu­al rela­ti­ons­hips.

If the pro­ces­sing does not ser­ve to initia­te or pro­cess a con­tract, our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest lies in impro­ving the func­tio­na­li­ty of our web­site. The legal basis is then Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR.

When you clo­se your brow­ser, the­se ses­si­on coo­kies are dele­ted.

  1. b) Third-par­ty coo­kies

If necessa­ry, our web­site may also use coo­kies from com­pa­nies with whom we coope­ra­te for the pur­po­se of adver­ti­sing, ana­ly­zing, or impro­ving the fea­tures of our web­site.

Plea­se refer to the fol­lo­wing infor­ma­ti­on for details, in par­ti­cu­lar for the legal basis and pur­po­se of such third-par­ty collec­tion and pro­ces­sing of data collec­ted through coo­kies.

  1. c) Dis­ab­ling coo­kies

You can refu­se the use of coo­kies by chan­ging the set­tings on your brow­ser. Like­wi­se, you can use the brow­ser to dele­te coo­kies that have alre­ady been stored. Howe­ver, the steps and mea­su­res requi­red vary, depen­ding on the brow­ser you use. If you have any ques­ti­ons, plea­se use the help func­tion or con­sult the docu­men­ta­ti­on for your brow­ser or con­tact its maker for sup­port. Brow­ser set­tings can­not pre­vent so-cal­led flash coo­kies from being set. Ins­te­ad, you will need to chan­ge the set­ting of your Flash play­er. The steps and mea­su­res requi­red for this also depend on the Flash play­er you are using. If you have any ques­ti­ons, plea­se use the help func­tion or con­sult the docu­men­ta­ti­on for your Flash play­er or con­tact its maker for sup­port.

If you pre­vent or restrict the instal­la­ti­on of coo­kies, not all of the func­tions on our site may be ful­ly usable.


If you con­tact us via email or the con­tact form, the data you pro­vi­de will be used for the pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing your request. We must have this data in order to pro­cess and ans­wer your inqui­ry; other­wi­se we will not be able to ans­wer it in full or at all.

The legal basis for this data pro­ces­sing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) GDPR.

Your data will be dele­ted once we have ful­ly ans­we­red your inqui­ry and the­re is no fur­t­her legal obli­ga­ti­on to store your data, such as if an order or con­tract resul­ted the­re­from.

User posts, com­ments, and ratings

We offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to post ques­ti­ons, ans­wers, opi­ni­ons, and ratings on our web­site, her­einaf­ter refer­red to joint­ly as „posts.“ If you make use of this oppor­tu­ni­ty, we will pro­cess and publish your post, the date and time you sub­mit­ted it, and any pseud­onym you may have used.

The legal basis for this is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a) GDPR. You may revo­ke your pri­or con­sent under Art. 7 Para. 3 GDPR with future effect. All you have to do is inform us that you are revo­king your con­sent.

In addi­ti­on, we will also pro­cess your IP address and email address. The IP address is pro­ces­sed becau­se we might have a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in taking or sup­porting fur­t­her action if your post infrin­ges the rights of third par­ties and/or is other­wi­se unla­w­ful.

In this case, the legal basis is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest lies in any legal defen­se we may have to mount.


We use You­Tube on our web­site. This is a video por­tal ope­ra­ted by You­Tube LLC, 901 Cher­ry Ave, 94066 San Bru­no, CA, USA, her­einaf­ter refer­red to as „You­Tube“.

You­Tube is a sub­si­di­a­ry of Goog­le Ire­land Limi­ted, Gor­don Hou­se, Bar­row Street, Dub­lin 4, Irland, her­einaf­ter refer­red to as „Goog­le“.

Through cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on accord­ing to the EU-US Pri­va­cy Shield

Goog­le and its sub­si­di­a­ry You­Tube gua­ran­tee that they will fol­low the EU’s data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons when pro­ces­sing data in the United Sta­tes.

We use You­Tube in its advan­ced pri­va­cy mode to show you vide­os. The legal basis is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest lies in impro­ving the qua­li­ty of our web­site. Accord­ing to You­Tube, the advan­ced pri­va­cy mode means that the data spe­ci­fied below will only be trans­mit­ted to the You­Tube ser­ver if you actual­ly start a video.

Without this mode, a con­nec­tion to the You­Tube ser­ver in the USA will be esta­blished as soon as you access any of our web­pages on which a You­Tube video is embed­ded.

This con­nec­tion is requi­red in order to be able to dis­play the respec­tive video on our web­site wit­hin your brow­ser. You­Tube will record and pro­cess at a mini­mum your IP address, the date and time the video was dis­play­ed, as well as the web­site you visi­ted. In addi­ti­on, a con­nec­tion to the Dou­ble­Click adver­ti­sing net­work of Goog­le is esta­blished.

If you are log­ged in to You­Tube when you access our site, You­Tube will assign the con­nec­tion infor­ma­ti­on to your You­Tube account. To pre­vent this, you must eit­her log out of You­Tube befo­re visi­ting our site or make the appro­pria­te set­tings in your You­Tube account.

For the pur­po­se of func­tio­na­li­ty and ana­ly­sis of usa­ge beha­vi­or, You­Tube per­man­ent­ly stores coo­kies on your device via your brow­ser. If you do not agree to this pro­ces­sing, you have the opti­on of pre­ven­ting the instal­la­ti­on of coo­kies by making the appro­pria­te set­tings in your brow­ser. Fur­t­her details can be found in the sec­tion about coo­kies above.

Fur­t­her infor­ma­ti­on about the collec­tion and use of data as well as your rights and pro­tec­tion opti­ons in Google’s pri­va­cy poli­cy found at

Model Data Pro­tec­tion State­ment for Anwalts­kanz­lei Weiß & Part­ner



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