If you want to say it in Ger­man, say it with maiertext.de: fine adap­tati­ons for the Ger­man, Aus­tri­an and Swiss mar­kets by a dedi­ca­ted Ger­man copy­wri­ter.

adaptations english - german

Plea­sed to have you on my site!

This page was crea­ted for inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies wan­ting their adver­ti­sing adap­ted for the Ger­man-speaking mar­kets. You’re on the right site, if you need a Ger­man claim/slogan with the poten­ti­al of beco­m­ing a popu­lar say­ing, along with power­ful copies and adver­ti­sing-con­cepts for ads, brochu­res, mai­lings or online-activi­ties. My adap­ti­ons will sup­port your adver­ti­sing work for Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria and Switz­er­land.

Adap­tati­ons & trans­la­ti­ons: just my cup of tea.

Adap­t­ing a copy means much more than just trans­la­ting it. It has to be re-writ­ten to make sure the word­ing and phra­ses work (even bet­ween the lines) in the given tar­get lan­guage.

Adap­tati­ons have been a regu­lar part of my job sin­ce I star­ted as a trai­nee at Ogil­vy & Mather in Frank­furt, adap­t­ing Mat­tel com­mer­ci­als for Ger­man tele­vi­si­on. During my care­er I have adap­ted count­less adver­ti­sing works for bri­tish and dutch agen­ci­es and com­pa­nies.

Loo­king for pro­per adap­tati­on of your adver­ti­sing? Get a nati­ve speaking copy­wri­ter!

As a pro­fes­sio­nal Ger­man copy­wri­ter I’ve recei­ved awards from the Art Director’s Club Ger­ma­ny, the New York Adver­ti­sing Fes­ti­val and many more.

Plea­se visit my „Arbeits­pro­ben“ (Works) to get an impres­si­on of my copy­wri­ter-skills and to make sure, that your adver­ti­sing will be adap­ted pro­per­ly.

Feel free to put me on your list whene­ver it comes to

  • Ads
  • Brochu­res
  • Fly­ers
  • Annu­al reports
  • Sto­ry­boards
  • TV tre­at­ments
  • Web­sites
  • Lan­ding­pa­ges
  • Soci­al media
  • Seo copy
  • …wha­te­ver enhan­ces your client’s busi­ness

Call +49 171 5444 222 or send an e-mail to: info@maiertext.de


marketing-pro and native speaking German copywriter
Ralf Mai­er, copy­wri­ter for adver­ti­sing adap­tati­ons

Pri­va­cy Poli­cy

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