The essence of pure beau­ty

Final­ly the god­dess has arri­ved: A brand new SJ by Frog­gy Bot­tom.
Made of rare Adi­ron­dack spruce, Indi­an rose­wood, ebo­ny, map­le…
The­se beau­ti­ful woo­den inlays and the per­fect craft­s­manship say it all: it’s gui­tar player’s hea­ven. The Rolls Roy­ce in acoustic gui­tars. And just to have men­tio­ned it: this is the plain ver­si­on of the Frog­gy Bot­tom SJ! No sun­burst. No mother-of-pearl (except the frog-logo on the head­stock). No gol­den tuners. (Sor­ry girls!)

In con­trast to so many nice loo­king bou­tique instru­ments this one sounds even bet­ter than it looks. Even if the wood of this brand new champ is still stiff (and pro­bab­ly still doesn’t know it’s a gui­tar yet) the tone is rich, mel­low, shi­ning, deep… ever­y­thing you could want from a sou­thern jum­bo. And it will deve­lop the more you play it. Sor­ry: the more I play it. – Don’t you dare!

The per­fect sin­ger song­wri­ter com­pa­n­ion:
Inspi­ring with spar­k­ling har­mo­nics which will never sound too bright. Even strummed hard every string rings like a bell. I love the colo­red inlays. My rough illus­tra­ti­on-draft for the heel­cap was trans­for­med into an ama­zing pie­ce of art by Petria Mit­chell. (It’s the only extra fea­ture added to the stan­dard ver­si­on.)
This is my one and only acoustic gui­tar from now on. Do I deser­ve it? Pro­bab­ly not. Yep, life can be so unfair…

(Anyo­ne inte­rested in buy­ing a Mar­tin D 18 from ’93 which I once thought did sound “gre­at”?)

Hey, and the vin­ta­ge luxu­ry plush-case smells like vanil­la. (He he.)

Many, many thanks to Micha­el Mil­lard and his team of super­he­roes. You did a fan­tastic job!

(And spe­cial thanks to you, Tom­my!)


